Pokemon Walk Release 4 is out!


  • Another fix for blank sprites has been implemented
  • Mega-evolution and alternate-form sprites should show now. 
  • Mega-evolutions and transformations will now update the name of the pokemon
  • You can now set your buddy by pushing the "Set as Buddy" button in the lower left corner of the details screen.
  • The close button on the pokemon info screen is now always visible without scrolling
  • Distance for your buddy is correctly granted on a cell10 change instead of a cell11 change. 
  • You can now transfer multiple pokemon at once from the pokemon inventory screen. Push the Multi button once to enter multitransfer mode, then tap the pokemon you wish to transfer and their icon will turn red. Push the Confirm button to transfer them all at once.
  • Sound cues are now played for acquiring coins, catching a pokemon, or entering a maptile with an available raid. These can be toggled in the options menu. They default to enabled.

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When I have purchased the spawn info, it doesn't show anything. Just has the word Data on the screen. 

Any ideas?

Also LOVE the idea of this game, would you be okay if I made a video for it eventually for my youtube channel? Youtube name is the same as my itch name, now worries if not but loving it so far! 

That's a data issue in this week's even spawns. Easy to fix, doesn't affect actual spawns.

You can record a video if you want. Maybe wait for the next update that fixes the spawn info window.

Release 5 is out now, fixes the spawn info bug.

It also allows you to hide your location code in the options menu, in case you don't want to reveal your exact location in a youtube video.

Fun game, minor glitch with Pokemon with alternative forms. They don't seem to get time stamped correctly. When I catch them they sometimes say they were caught before my original starter in the "order caught" sort order. That only happens to Pokemon with alternate forms and colors. Galarian Forms, Alolan Forms, Pumpkaboo, Minior, stuff like that. 

That sort order could also use a change anyways. Seeing just my oldest Pokemon is not super useful. Newest first would be significantly more useful. 

You can tap the "Order Caught" button to switch between name/order/power sorting.

There's an issue I need to track down with power sorting as well. I'll probably make order caught newest-first instead of oldest-first.

Yeah, I can switch them, it's a bug with alternate forms specifically. They don't get time stamped correctly and get added to the top of the list. 

That Typhlosion was my starter, but Pokemon with alternate forms get put ahead of it in the caught order.

Oh, I see. I have an idea why. I'll dig into that soon.